Friday, May 17, 2019


I frequently get inquiries for (Production) E & O insurance and it seems many of those aren’t really prepared. To apply, you first need to have retained a Clearance Attorney. Why? Because the attorney not only sets all your clearance procedures, they are also named on the insurance application. Because that comes with significate risk for them, it is also common for the attorney to review the entire – completed production, including the underlying documents, to ensure that all necessary rights have been obtained and that there are no defamation, privacy, copyright or trademark violations.

If you don’t have a clearance attorney, you may want to consider Ted Gerdes (Gerdes Law in Beverly Hills, I’ve used him for years and he is as thorough and diligent as they come.

You’ll need to make sure that you have (among other items):

  • Written warranties from all writers and other content providers

  • Written agreement from all performers or persons appearing in your production

  • Musical rights releases

Also, if you want title coverage make sure that you have obtained a title report and opinion letter.

I know this sounds overwhelming, but E&O is a very complicated form of insurance that protects many entities, including distributors and broadcasters. #productioninsurance